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What is ICTs?

In the broadest sense, information technology refers to both the hardware and software that are used to store, retrieve, and manipulate information. At the lowest level you have the servers with an operating system. Installed on these servers are things like database and web serving software. The servers are connected to each other and to users via a network infrastructure. And the users accessing these servers have their own hardware, operating system, and software tools.
Information Technology
üThe branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
üThe term "IT" encompasses the methods and techniques used in information handling and retrieval by automatic means. The means include computers, telecommunications and office systems or any combination of these elements.
üA broad term used to refer to any form of technology used to create, transfer, or store information in all it's various forms (text, images, sound, multimedia files).
Communication Technology
a process to store or deliver information using electronic and graphic means; Processes include encoding, transmitting, receiving, storing, retrieving and decoding.
Electronic systems used for communication between individuals or groups. Communication technology facilitates communication between individuals or groups who are not physically present at the same location. Systems such as telephones, telex, fax, radio, television, and video are included, as well as more recent computer-based technologies, including electronic data interchange and e-mail.
communications technology - the activity of designing and constructing and maintaining communication systems 
